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Forensic choking symptoms
Forensic choking symptoms
Symptoms of forensic suffocation
Symptoms of forensic suffocation
Forensic eye congestion
Forensic eye congestion
Forensic eye congestion
Treatment of hypoxic encephalopathy
Abandonment of treatment is a crime such as abandonment of the person in charge of protection or unnecessarily intentional attempted murder.
Hypoxic encephalopathy and carbon dioxide narcosis have common sense treatment protocols among doctors and nurses.
It is said that without these treatments, the patient's encephalopathy and brain damage can be exacerbated and, in the worst case, the heart can stop.
This is exactly what my son is in.
The heart stopped twice because the treatment was left untreated for about 20 hours.
For example, the following is a large number of homepages and papers that describe the treatment methods necessary for hypoxic encephalopathy and CO2 narcosis, such as the hypoxic encephalopathy page on the homepage of the Japanese Society of Emergency Medicine.
Everyone is talking about the importance of immediate treatment as well.
Please, the fact that the son was left untreated is equivalent to the unnecessarily intentional attempted murder and the abandonment of the guardian. Please confirm the fact.
Treatment required for hypoxic encephalopathy
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