Forensic choking symptoms
Forensic choking symptoms
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Forensic eye congestion
Forensic eye congestion
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Search for hyperventilation syndrome plastic bag use
They initially hid that they had a plastic bag on their head. At the same time, he also hid that he became a plant human. However, when he was pointed out after the red neck, Tadashi Wakamatsu said, "I don't know why, but Jimmy's head was covered with a plastic bag several times, and breathing stopped. It seems that he has carbon dioxide narcosis or hypoxic encephalopathy. I wasn't there, so I don't know the details. I started talking about the facts. However, after that, "It was a treatment for epilepsy that was covered with a plastic bag. After that, he probably consulted with the hospital. The story has changed completely again. Wakamatsuta said, "I was there too. I thought I was overbreathing, so I put a plastic bag on my head. After that, there was no problem with hypoxic encephalopathy. "Change to. However, both Wakamatsu and Kojima notice that they are talking about unnatural content here. Because if you were hyperventilating, why choose a plastic bag? why? Will you put it on your head? why? Didn't you put it in your mouth? why? Did you not treat yourself during hypoxic encephalopathy or carbon dioxide narcosis? When you ask this question, they get stuck in the answer. That is, I did not intend to treat hypoxic encephalopathy or carbon dioxide narcosis condition. So, from this fact, Yoshiki Sasai's confession is credible. Click here for Yoshiki Sasai's confession
If you do a Google search for "plastic bag for hyperventilation" in English, the first thing you will see is a Web MD consisting of 100 doctors. This site is renowned as a trusted site with numerous awards in the world.
Then, "Never use a plastic bag for hyperventilation syndrome. ] Will come out. At the same time, "At the longest, limit to 12 breaths. More dangerous! ] Will come out. However, the unusual behavior of Tadashi Wakamatsu and others is, "If you use a paper bag, put it in your mouth. ] Will come out. You can't put it on your head anywhere. Moreover, putting a plastic bag on your head is only a murderous act.
If you look up the murderer's killing method in English, it is the most common killing method for people who undertake murder.
1. Put a plastic bag on your head.
2. Wrap a string around your neck.
It was.
No matter how you search
1. Put a plastic bag on your head.
2. Put it on a child with a disability.
3. Moreover, it is hidden from the parents.
If you search for, you will only get murder.
By all means, when military doctors who learned special murder in the army hide in their parents, it is an act that can only be thought of as murder, and for a long time the actions of doctors have been a mystery. I did.
It is a crime to carry out a therapy that is not approved by the Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare and that other doctors should not carry out without telling the parents.